There are here also the ruins of an ancient castle, which appears to have been a place of strength and surrounded by a ditch. The light has been greatly improved by the substitution of argand lamps and parabolic reflectors. It was in consequence removed to its present situation, and was then furnished with lamps and reflectors.

Experience subsequently showed, however, that its great height was a disadvantage, as it was more frequently obscured and hidden with clouds, than it would have been if erected on a lower site nearer the shore. It was lighted by a fire of pit coal and proved very beneficial to the shipping. On the highest point of this island the first light-house on the Clyde was erected in 1756. It is the property of the Earl of Eglinton. The island of little Cumbrae is only a mile long and half a mile broad. The breadth of the channel at this place is about two miles across. There is a regular ferry from Largs to Cumbrae, and a good road from the ferry to the village.

Limestone is found in abundance and excellent freestone, of which there was at one time shipped about L200 worth annually. It is the property of the Earl of Glasgow, and the Marquis of Bute. The island is about two miles and one half long from north-east to south-west, and about twelve furlongs broad. A number of the inhabitants are employed in fishing several of the young men serve on board the revenue cutter on this station and the remainder of the inhabitants of the village are employed in weaving. Besides the parish school, there is a private one in which about 30 scholars are taught English, Writing and Arithmetic. The scholars attending are generally from 40 to 50. There is a parish school at the village in which English, Latin, Writing and Arithmetic are taught. The two islands of Cumbrae form a parish, the church of which is situated at Millport. The inhabitants of the village and parish, were in 1801, only 506 in 1821 they were 657 they are now supposed to amount to 800. Millport is the only village in the island. It is in the monastic Gothic style, richly ornamented, and has some very fine perpendicular windows. The Earl of Glasgow has a small cottage ornée near the east end of the village, to which he sometimes retires and from whence there is a fine prospect between the Ayrshire coast and the lesser Cumbrae. The walks are not very varied, or extensive around Millport, but the distant view down the channel of the Frith, with the Arran mountains, their lofty summits clothed in clouds, has a very grand appearance. The houses of the village are neat and clean, and a great part of them newly erected, specially for the convenience of visitors. Every thing necessary therefore for a family, suppose it is not to be had in the island, can with ease be obtained. It is daily visited by steam boats and has thus a constant communication, not only with Largs, but with Glasgow and Greenock. Since the introduction of steam navigation, which has rendered every watering place on the Frith of such easy access, Millport has become a place of considerable resort for sea bathing so that during the season, notwithstanding its retired and isolated situation, it presents to the visitor a very gay and lively appearance. The bay is sheltered at its entrance by two or three rocky islets, and beyond by the island of little Cumbrae, which lies farther to the south, leaving a safe and open channel by which the bay may be entered from the east or the west. It is built on the northern coast of a fine bay, which usefully indents the island, and consequently has a warm southern exposure. THIS pleasant little watering-place is situated on the larger Cumbrae, an island in the Frith of Clyde, lying between Bute, and the Ayrshire coast, nearly opposite to Largs. Pleased awhile to view The watery waste, the prospect wild and near The now receding waters gave them space, On either side, the growing shores to trace And there, returning, they contract the scene, Till small and smaller grows the walk between.